P  V  T  S

Geospatial & Consulting Services






GPS and GIS Training and Support Services:



Formal Teaching Experience



Drawing from the experience of teaching and in some cases developing the courses below, PVTS can offer current, focused and quality training in the areas of GPS field methods and GIS data collection, analysis, summarization, presentation and mapping.


College Courses taught in past semesters and currently:


Santa Rosa Junior College:

Civil Engineering, Surveying & Geospatial Technology Certificate Program

Department of Applied Technology

Survey 50 Lab (Plane Surveying - First Semester)
Survey 55 Satellite Based Land Surveying

Survey 56 Introductory Satellite Based Land Surveying
Survey 57 Advanced Satellite Based Land Surveying

APTECH 54a Introduction to GIS Methods

APTECH 54b Advanced GIS Methods

GIS 40/50 Introductory Methods in GIS
GIS 51 Intermediate GIS Methods
GIS 52 Advanced GIS Methods
GIS 54 GIS Data Acquisition & Field Data Collection Methods



Napa Valley College:

Math, Science and Engineering Department:


Geography 120/121 (Introductory & Intermediate GIS Methods)

Geography 130/131 (Introductory & Intermediate Field Data Collection Methods)